May 2021 - August 2021
Back-end Development | Python
Back-end Development | Python
- Restructured a money movement workflow that handles > 10k transfers per day into multiple daemon processes in Python and Django, which provides flexibility of handling transfers, improves stability of the workflow, and reduces on-call burdens
- Designed a failure-handling mechanism for daemon processes to keep track of failures and retry any of them if necessary
May 2020 - August 2020
Back-end Development | Golang
Back-end Development | Golang
- Improved database schema and updated symbol parsing algorithm to populate database with new market data in Golang, and equipped traders with comprehensive data to analyze spot and derivatives markets and perform algorithmic trading
- Developed a reliable data streamer of an exchange on a second-by-second basis for all provided markets (Bitcoin, LTC, etc)
- Designed and developed an LRU data structure to maintain a dynamic list of 100 tradable markets for real-time trading on distributed systems